I try to write something each day, situations permitting.Some are better than others, but each one serves a purpose.I remind myself I am still here.My..
Do you look at your writes? Yes, I am a pain in the a*s about this topic.Music is playing, old school Prince.Sorry, lost my track.Do you ever wonder..
Just for a moment, look past other expectations.See what is there.So much beauty, missed while passing by.Stop for a moment and embrace the life aroun..
All the same, just a different accent, or taking another approach.Each trying to get a laugh, make another smile.Often the laugh comes at the expense ..
I know, I tend to dwell on this.Probably shouldn't be listed as a poem, but I can accept the spoken word part.Anyway, do you notice how some of your w..
Contemplating the passage of time, I sit by the water.The current is constant, as is the result.Given time, each stone is reduced to a pebble, and cha..
Flowing from form to form, reflecting emotions, resting in an ember state.Each time, drawn toward the next change.Consuming flames, soothing in their ..
A slow change, echoed by the growing chill.Colors change, momentary beauty, fading, and becoming fragile.The image feels so familiar, thoughts blaze f..
Please excuse me, but this hurts.Let me get this straight.I am not supposed to outlive you.Quit proving me wrong.Damn it.
A story is only a reflection of the teller. I think my image is dim.Words vanish, not even a trail, each becoming a random memory. but still I wonder ..