Only for a moment, doors are locked, and I am alone.Emotions can fly, hope can be expressed, and no damage will be done.Music plays, words flow, and I..
I could do it. Separate myself, watching the show flow by.I've done it before, but now is not the time, not the time for escape.Now is the time for an..
Only for a moment, and just for us, the notes of the song pause.Fingertips touch, sharing our thoughts.Your face is flushed, eyes electric.I feel drop..
No questions.Settle in, and feel it.I don't need to speak.A cold breath, waiting for the warmth of the sunset.Wait for the warmth.A kiss on the cheek,..
Tip of the hat to a friend,
catch phrase,
I like to say, "I just write."Not always that simple.Yes, I try to write.I know I use few words, trying to make others fill in the blanks.I want other..
You take someone in, and you are responsible.They might as well be your children.I am not talking about someone, simply needing a momentary bed.One wh..
Sometimes an angelic face, seeming so innocent, hiding a laugh.Trusted, respected, and waiting, because of constant judgement.Never thought I heard, a..
Which face to show?The storyteller, capturing your thoughts before you drift to sleep?A voice of anger, ranting against the world?The quiet monk, gras..
Even in a trivial work, one which now would not be p.c., there is a glimmer.Series of books, remembered from my youth, and I find moments during my cu..