Only the moment, the one on which you are dwelling.However it ended, I am sure there are others.Some which will bring a smile, rather than a tear.
For a bit. I do try to be honest.To dwell on the moment... I just don't think it works.Rather show my faces, each shown on the stage.Perfect contrast...
Just a momentary lapse, and I will fade away.A memory of a finger's touch, barely touching my brow.The scent which shouldn't be here, not at this time..
Inspired by Candlebox's "Far behind"
I apologize, I have been a bit self-centered as of late.Something of a necessity, while during the normal hours, I share a touch of my soul.So, I come..
You already do it, but do you realize?Do you understand the feeling, as brief as it may be?Don't worry.Just accept a peaceful moment, while for some r..
Asking myself the questions, and most I have already decided on the answers.Still, I feel the need to ground it a bit more.Set a few roots.Now, for so..
Watching from the darkness. Predatory instincts offset by curiosity.A choice of which meal to be taken, and I am unable to decide.So, at least for aw..
Maybe ego, or realization.A look in the mirror,and hesitate.Stop and think.Merely another illusion?
Color of my eyes, constantly changing, each one reflecting.Stare into my cup, trying to not look up, hiding a glance like a rainbow.