First, let me explain.Each time is the best.The simple act of creation is a pinnacle.You have reached the top of the mountain. Too cliche?Second, agai..
Sorry, had to stop for a moment.Took the time to concentrate.Happens now, and again.Make the aches retreat.Trust me, they are still there.Just moved b..
Granted, I write this behind closed doors.I just don't feel like a hour long explanation.Back to the point.Share a feeling, one which is honest.Don't ..
When you least expect it, I will show up.The storm will be over my shoulder, but it only clears the air.Always remember, the chaos comes with a smile..
You have to understand the restraint.There is always the simplicity of violence.Just let the anger take control.I won't deny the urge is there.Years o..
Each write is a distraction, just another compensation.I can't be there.Each time I hear, we share another cut.Another scar.
You have to choose your audience.Might as well choose one which is honest.However, I must say, I wonder about the cat.
Always the question.Choose your point of reference.The weight depends on the view.Simple as the words may be, they seem so heavy.
Just because we move slow, don't think we sit still.Even a tortoise knows, life is meant to be in motion.Moments of contemplation, those I can underst..
I know, just passing through.Still, if you can, take this with you.Toss it in the gutter, if you choose.Even then, someone may see, and the words mov..