I can finally rest, hidden from sight.Covered by leaves, life departed, regaining my own.
Thinking the ocean. Time by myself.Forget the bit about the pondering poet. I don't take myself so seriously.It comes back to knowing yourself.I am fe..
Please, don't take this the wrong way.There has been a bit of stress, and constant activity.I seem to have missed the entire month of January, and my ..
True story.Noticed by a flutterby, and mentioned to pixie.Gossip caught my ear, and became a tortoise.Ramble around, borders growing with each creatio..
The cold numbs the wounds, blood barely flowing.Waiting for warmth, only then seeing the damage done.
This is the time I try to walk away.Alone, I can control the damage.Room is dark, so you don't see the golden eyes, surrounded by red.Hands stilled, j..
Time for a vent.Ramones playing, and I feel myself growing cold.I will not go into details, because the list is growing too long.Simply stated, I am g..
Now, that is what I was good at.None of this other stuff.Precision in the angles, beautiful in the simplicity.Then, I had to confuse my teachers.Apply..
Give me a chance to moan. Even a sarcastic grin is hard to maintain.So,for a moment, I will pout.Only for a moment.I know better.I know my nature.I w..
Let us be honest. It is so easy.What is the point?Sharing day to day depression?No. I prefer something different.Fog at five,early in the morning.Beau..