Now, that would be cheating.The question belongs to you.Hints are all I can provide, merrily watching you search.Anyway, what was the question?
Just a distraction, if even for a moment.Feels like the sun on my shoulders.For a second, I can forget, and listen to the world around me.Revel in the..
Just a blanket, something to hold close,Give a bit of warmth, and you can still wipe your tears.When you wake in the morning, still there, and we can ..
I feel it coming. The smell is in the air.So, I wait for the rain to fall.Then, I can look up, and disguise my tears.
Nothing was wrong, nothing to worry about, just some music.How was Simon and Garfunkel supposed to be wrong?Sure, mixed in some Judas Priest, and a to..
I already know the answer, but no reason why I shouldn't ask.Why?Let those who want to, not one who enjoys the quiet. meant to be a voice from the bac..
Yes, I am back to the same old topic, but I can't help but wait for the response.This is all an exercise. and I suddenly feel weak
I ask myself, and don't receive an answer.Blame the world around me, let alone choices made, but when did it happen?Still, I am patient, and doubt is ..
I want to dive in, let the water sooth my soul, but I must restrain myself.So, I sit on the dock, feet in the water.Let the fish nibble on my toes.
Constant conversations lead to one thing. Doubt.I wish it was only a matter of words, but there are consequences.No resolutions, and a sense of despai..