This is a work in progress.I picture it,and each new addition makes me smile.Every formation, is another expression.Another memory.How can I not enjoy..
One little contradiction, and only if some choose to listen.Something along the lines of I am always lying.Not exactly a way to build trust.Still, he ..
Will you just let it go?How much effort do you put into it?Screaming at causes you don't agree with, echoed with those who feel the same.How long has ..
Let me keep this proper, I am talking about a style of dress. This is already going wrong.Back in the day, and I do mean back in the day, someone woul..
They look so crippled.Be honest, you can't help your pity.Those hands are not done.Only waiting...
This is not an innocent question. I wonder.Words are easy, and fun to play with.The perceptions are often never the intent. Isn't that amazing.Those v..
Only a few will understand,so the rest may back away.Let me have some time.Pixie and Flutterby may settle on my shell, I will be withdrawn.Just a bite..
I find myself on the edge, and I walk it curiously.Looking over the sides, each is so strange, mainly because they should mix.Nothing is absolute, and..
Which dream should I settle on?My eyes change color on every other blink, and nothing ever stays the same.Easy to sit, and seem sedated, but....Now it..
Sure, make it a bit harder.Doesn't matter.Even with one hand, let me play a song.