I never know, and it is hard to explain.Maybe not,just hard to understand, at least for me.My attempts to explain, they just fall away.I just sit, and..
Don't you remember? Always there.Still beyond your grasp.Should have made you work for it.Still thereJust reach for it
Anyway,it comes back to a simple thought.Never.Never mind my grin,and never bother with my endless ramble.Never contemplate giving your soul away.Now,..
Why not? No reason to just rant.Let yourself give a hint of jest.Might not be your normal choice,but worth the chance to grow.Instead of tirades of an..
Try not to be crude, and simple repetition is overused.Something new, with a bit of originality, would be appreciated.Just try to catch my attention,..
Quit looking at me. This is hard enough.Care to share some words?Simple event, shared by many.Still most wait in silence, unable to speak.Shrug my sho..
The fire is the only source of warmth, and still you huddle in the shadows.My sudden appearance was a surprise, but it should not cause such alarm.Mer..
Started at a candy store, and, yes, sounds a bit odd.Still, it was a moment of mortality.You always want one more taste.Then, what else have you..
Yes, stepping out from the shadows hurts.Not like a flipping undead, that would just be sad. Not to mention a bit cliche.Sure, attention is gratifyin..