Excuse me for a moment.I am going through a process.Trying to redact a bit of pain.Crops up now and then,and I can only try.There you are.Spread you a..
You just have to step back, and look at yourself.Why not be the judge?With an honest eye, you know better than most.No one else really knows.No excus..
It just catches your eye.You just want to know!Try to find out the meaning, but it is not quite there.Feel like a kitten playing with a ball of yarn.P..
Really, it is only a passing fancy.I am a trickster. Passing a joke along with a stone like face.Sure, I see what is going on, but how can any of you ..
Does experience matter?Granted, it does give an insight, but that is only a view.Case in point, walking through the dessert, middle of the night.Hear ..
I hope it is dirt. Never know when you rummage around.Sometimes, you have to get dirty.Dig through history, and hard to tell what you might find.Raise..
Ever wonder what you have seen?It does pass by so quickly.No time to debate, and the moment is gone.Still, we gaze into the fog, and can't help but p..
Yeah .....How many times have we heard that one?We may change our hair, and hopefully style of clothing, but we are still the same little kids.Believ..
you ever do some yard work?looks pretty from a distance, but get a little closer.roses have thorns, and the blossoms draw bees.touch of danger, even i..
Let me be honest, I am grasping.The words are there, and so are the stories.I just feel a filter.Something stops me.So many fragile people...Unable to..
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