JR : Writing

Kingdom of Silver

Kingdom of Silver

A Poem by JR

Oh my god this is the kingdom of silver, this is the reign of wet, descends in a pound or a whisper to my unbound scalp, now shorn of h..


A Poem by JR

Ah f**k the heart anyway useless organ that it is with its bleats and beat and moonsick sighs f**k that noise I’d rather the lungs t..
The Fist

The Fist

A Poem by JR

Maria why are you so gentle? sometimes I want the fist, right into my face but you, with your light fingers turn the page, tap on the glass o..


A Poem by JR

They gave him a helium balloon four years old, his chubby fist gripped the ribbon and he was caught within that red latex that trapped the..
Edge of the Woods

Edge of the Woods

A Poem by JR

He stood there at the edge of the forest, old tangled and withered he regarded the path going in a dirt line, well-tracked, no leaves o..
Little Dog

Little Dog

A Poem by JR

Lord my head hurts that was way too much wine there’s money missing from my wallet and I don’t remember letting the dog back i..
Them Bombs

Them Bombs

A Poem by JR

I never believed them bombs would fall or them missiles lift from their silos I put my hand over my heart and I swore that them Rooskies were..


A Poem by JR

If he wants me, he’ll take me it’s not like we’re strangers we’ve shared water and wine and I’ve watched him ta..


A Poem by JR

When I was young, maybe six or seven, someone gave me a red helium balloon. They tied it loosely to my wrist for safekeeping, and I remember my curi..


A Poem by JR

I don’t want to hide behind these four walls if there’s a tiger out there, let’s go get it or at least invite it inside..