Jade isn't certain how she managed to wind up in the mythical labyrinth that houses the minotaur, but she does know that this is probably the worst va..
He appreciated all of the little things he knew of the strange faery-child his village had adopted sixteen years prior.
Rough fingers glide
downsilken skin, dark fantasiesof a man seeking undeserved
rewards.Takingwhat will never be given.
I never realizedYou
were fictional,That I made you upLike a second layer of
skinOver your skeletonAnd you just let me pretendThat you
were mine.Fun..
I searched for
myselfamong stars that glittered out of reach,through winds
that dusted sand across my face,in rains that joined the waters
of the..
Lift glass to
lipsand suck in sweet (helium).Don't be afraid,
DearAbove the clouds you will riseBubbling
beautiful? the
shortword forces a laugh to herpink bubblegum
lips.what do you know ofbeauty? have you ever
toucheda teen magazine?words can't be ..
Perhaps it is
envy.we are alike, you and I-the sun and the
stars,the clouds and the sky,and yet there is a differencein
the way that wes h i n e(..
Mother had a baby, and swore to love her forever.
Only The Rich Can Afford the Boat to Tartarus (an assignment for writer's craft in 2012)