The First of Stephanie's Travels
About about a girl, whose dreams created a whole new world for her, literally.
The wind was settling,
As the young man ran,
Through the dark streets,
Up to her flat,
Dark curls flopping,
Green eyes ..
Everyone says reality bites,but I don't think thats the problem. I mean, everyone bites, or gets bitten, at a point in their life.The problem is, real..
When you go to sleep,the sea of your thoughts writhe,and froth,circling, and jittering,until they become alive,scratching at the banks,of their enclos..
I wriggle, fidgit, and squirmin your gazeYour eyes burning holes in my soulyou smile, snicker, and laugh at meand yet, I am invisibleI feel your wrath..
What and if are simple words, but if you put them together you come up with a world of posibilities.
I've told you mine, now you tell me yours,Promise you won't tell?I've shed all my tears, now you shed yours,Promise you won't say anything?I've shared..
I Take A BreathAnd Breath In AirFlowers In BloomAnd Blossomed TreesPeople WalkingLaughingTalkingLife Is BeautifulYet One Day We must Let GoAnd Forget ..