Josh Sowders

Josh Sowders


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About Me

I'm happily married, my wife and were literal best friends at least 7 years befor getting married.We have been hitched for just over five years. We have been blessed by the best with an awesome daughter, who in her words "turned 3 on her happy birthday." My wife and I are expecting again in or around June. This ones a nail bitter, we are both slightly worried, yet oddly excited at the same time. Its an oxymoron of emotion, I know. Although, not only am I lucky to be alive and still have all my limbs, its even more of a miracle that I am able to procreate at all. I am an 8 year cancer survivor. I had an aggressive bone cancer in my left leg, and one of the main side effects if the chemotherapy I rreceived is infertility. Luckily, I was able to close that chapter of my life with a victory, and several life lessons. Since then I have graduated from college as a physical therapist assitant. Unfortunately due to the hardware in my artificial femur wearing out, I am now back off work. So now I'm trying to start writing again, not only is it funits a tterrific therapy for the mind.