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Posted 12 Years Ago

I'm sorry. I know those words probably mean nothing, but still. :( Chin up, it'll be all right.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

My uncle died on Friday.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Why are you so sad, my friend? :(

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Posted 12 Years Ago

You're a banana? Oh man. Am I reading the first-ever fruit-author's poems and stories? xD Haha. I feel so privileged.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Well enough. I'm a bit nervous because it's for my entire metro area, and I've never entered a contest that big with as good of a piece that I have (at least I think it's good--which I must say is a nice sign, considering I think most of what I write is crap). We'll see how it goes. I still need to hear from that writing camp as well. AGH! I hope that even if I don't get in, I at least get a rejection letter. It's better than nothing at all.

BUT I came on to read your new chapter, and that's exactly what I'm going to do right now. :) How's life with you?

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Posted 13 Years Ago

It took forever to gain the courage, my friend, let me tell you. I kept vacillating back and forth about whether I should do it or not, and finally I had no choice because it got to the point that it was blatantly obvious that I liked him. Eh, whatever. Only high school. :) I can't wait to graduate and meet new people (just anyone :D) at college or wherever I end up.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

I'm sitting at home. Oh well. Whatever. I do this every year.

I'm just sick of doing the same old thing. Whenever I want to go out, my friends don't. And whenever they do, they don't want to go party or whatever. I mean, I love them dearly, but I wish I had some party friends.

Whatever. Doesn't matter. I just had to vent. I mean, there are more important things in life. :) They're good friends. My best friends. So I really shouldn't be saying this about them.

Ignore this slightly bitchy comment (but not this next part), and have a happy new year! :) I guess I'll go write some resolutions for next year! And read your chapter 12. Since I have yet to do that.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

I know what you mean. My spirit's always high because of Christmas, but then when it's over it's gone. :( That's good, I'm excited for chapter 12. :D Hey, at least your writing is coming along, albeit at a slow pace. And yes, 'twas Shadow Shore. That's my side focus at the moment. Can't wait for your review on it. :) There's been a lot of changed things to make Lyzzy not so much of a Mary Sue as she was.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

It certainly wasn't terrible. It was pretty nice for the most part. :) How was yours? And how's your prose coming along?

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Tis nice and peaceful... I like looking out at falling snow and the stars and moon and just sipping hot cocoa and thinking about life in general...
Yaaay philosophical side. :)