Jordan Locke

Jordan Locke


I'm alright, don't I always seem to be?

Western Sahara, Western Sahara
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About Me

Hmmm... biography.... Well, after being chased repeatedly by wombats when I was just a young lass, I became very interested in writing. Mainly because the pen is mightier than the sword. (Damn wombats.)

Cheers and enjoy!


In the words of the immortal Monty Python: "I'm not dead! I feel fine!"

Things to read:

I Wanna Be a Ho
A Story by Blackbirdsong

Beloved Blades
A Book by Celtic Cat is working again. Silly employers, don't they know I only come here to play on WC?????

Swept away
A Story by TL Boehm - broken but not DEAD!


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Posted 13 Years Ago

aw, shucks! Thanks so much for your lovely review!! You rock! : ) And it's so good to hear from you! Hope all's well!!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

hey thank you for your review of Fractured. I appreciate it. I never really considered making a story out of it...but I suppose its a possibility. There is lots of back story there...peace.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Aw, thanks! OK, just remember to RR me when you do repost!!!
Have a happy!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Crap! No new stuff up yet! And're pimping me on your profile???? You rock!!!!!! Thanks a million for that!! Now I really do have to get back to work on that book! And post the chapter I promised was coming. argh. Life is in the way. Soon....soon.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

oopsy. didn't mean to send you a read request...saw your name and knew I owed you some and was for some silly reason thinking I could get to you from the RR box. Silly, silly cat. I'm blaming the giraffe. : )
have a lovely!!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

haha! Perfect! Got me just in time before the cup was empty! : ) Went down well....nothing like a warm beverage to soothe the soul!! : )

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Posted 17 Years Ago

tequila shots???? Ohh you bring back many memories for me. : ) Something about that tequila....woohoo!! Have a double shot for me, since I quit drinking to support a friend!! Thanks!
Much love,

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Posted 17 Years Ago


OK, you can use the megaphone now. : )
Holy crap. I'm stunned, shocked and more than a little mad. Now I'm going to have to actually do WORK at work cuz there's nothing here! Oh my! Pretty damn scary.
hehe.. thanks on the kudos for the Friend Requests notes...I think it may be working, no new requests coming in! That's not really what I had in mind but, hey, if you're that lazy you probably won't read my writing anyway! ; )
Well, thanks for the comments...otherwise, it'd be a little creepy in here all by my little lonesome!!!
Should we put on red shoes and start clicking our heels and chanting perhaps??? Maybe it's time to wake up the admin. Yikes!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

glad I made you laugh..figured we needed it :)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks so much for the review of "Missing In Action." Good to see you again too. Been a while. How are you?