Jonathan Bryant Dean

Jonathan Bryant Dean


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Middletown, OH
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About Me

Jonboy may make you mad, but at least he has made you think.
"If you get mad, that means that you have an opinion, if you have an opinion, at least you have some conscious thought."--JonBoy

There once was a limerick contest!
Aug 10, 2007 - Aug 20, 2007
Win Winner gets a copy of my book:"What is a Limerick?"
JonBoy is an insane poet with the heart of a comic.

He also has the heart of a Doctor, a lawyer, and a Cop, and he refuses to return them, because he likes to collect hearts.

JonBoy was born in Cincinatti, Oh in 1972, into a family of 9 children, several cats, dogs, cows, chickens, and other birds and bees.

Ironic though it may be, Jonboy was never the center of attention when he was a child, that was a spot taken by his whatsizname.....
But now JonBoy has taken it upon himself to be in the spotlight! Jonboy's act consist of Observational humor, self deprecating humor, and he spices it up with a few Hank Hill impressions, and dialects, such as British, Canadian,Scottish,Gay and Redneck...

You may be surprised to learn that Jonboy is TV friendly, he does not curse, though some of the topics may cause you to think that he has used foul language. That is why he stays away from polical humor, which is dirty, no matter how you stir it.

If you are looking for Herpes or Viagra jokes, or for jokes about change machines/slot machines....Keep looking. All of Jonboy's humor is real life experience, either his own, or someone that he has met. Mental Illness is at the top of his current set lis, since he has recently been diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia, which he manages to make into a real laughing matter.


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Posted 13 Years Ago

Hi Jonathon, Thanks a lot for the reviews on Acrosticly Otep and Encounter. Glad you enjoyed the music as well. Enjoy your weekend.


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Myspace Comments, Funny Comment Codes, Animations, Comment Glitters, Glitter Graphic s, Pictures, Graphics for your myspace profile and myspace comments at superhotfile .com
May the New Year come with all that the life has in store for you -
Joy, happiness, success and prosperity

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thoughts and memories of you when Christmas time is here
Bring an extra brightness to this season of the year -
For love is what adds so much joy to Christmas time, its true,
And, always, theres a lot of love en every thought of you.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

thank you for reading Hourglass. I am grateful for the review

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Posted 15 Years Ago myspace graphic comments Comments & Graphics

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thanks for making me think!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

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Posted 16 Years Ago

HELLO FRIEND Pictures, Images and Photos

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Posted 16 Years Ago


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Posted 16 Years Ago

ah that poem I wrote wasn't really my best works. I completely understand about the review you have posted. I surely thought the same exact thing.
Just been out of it and thought of posting it just for kicks. nothing special