Some kind of pain, this way comes. If her love's a gun then I'll stand here stunned.With her mouth'scontempt, Ioutward throwmymind's attempt to build ..
I don't understand why we are endentured servants to this world. How have we not figured this out yet? I am a product of bad timing, I suppose. It's s..
Youth crystals pummel my veins.Pumping out the anchors nostalgia brings.Lie me down, tied with the strings.My idle hands still need work.This mountain..
Mucho love.
What is it you see?
It's some old seed.
I sowed, long ago.
Meet your bounty.
I am all that's left. Stay.
Demonschip away atthis, "us".You get t..
I'd like my two feet, two feet off the ground.Nothing so permanent, eventually you can let me down.You don't hear me, no you don't hear a sound.
For me, it's hard to get over the past.
A short piece of Ricky's history.
Running from the man.