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About Me

Im a 30-something Englishman, and I have been living in Taiwan for the last few years. I teach English on a tropical island where the temperature rarely dips below 15c in the depths of winter. John Steinbeck is my literary hero; he writes about the symbiosis of man and the earth beneath his feet. For me, the symbiosis is between the man and the seasons. I am a cyclothymic SAD-afflicted fuckup and had I stayed in England I would have thrown myself under a train some Febuary day. Now, my relationship is with searing heat, violent Pacific typhoons and rumbling quakes, and I am all the happier for it. And they say that running away from your problems is not the answer!


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Posted 17 Years Ago

I passed through Tainan on my way to Kanting last weekend. Looked nice I'll have to check it out before I head home.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Where abouts in Taiwan are you? I'm currently in Taichung.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

I like your bio and your title "bad gods" - I can't wait to read!

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Posted 18 Years Ago

oops! I've done that a couple of time now. Barcelona is an amazing place. I hope to get back there someday. Thanks for the review!

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Posted 18 Years Ago

It is a phrase I created to go represent myself on my various internet profiles. I don't believe I've heard it anywhere before. Just an expression of emerging from silence that represents part of my self. Maybe you've run into my name on another site? It's possible.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

First off:
Thank you for the review!
I usually do not write about my cat or the "cuteness" of things, but he happened to be in my way and wouldn't let me do anything without him being there, so I decided to write about him.
You won't probably find anything more on my page about him, however, and since I don't have children, my "cute" writing is probably over with, at least for a while.

But again, I thank you!

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hi again! I started the group! If you'd like to join, check under the newest groups. It's called "Murder at the Cafe"...

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Posted 18 Years Ago

I'm glad you liked the idea. I'll be starting up a group within the next couple of days for those that want to help. If you're interested, let me know and I'll send an invite along...

Welcome to the Cafe!

~Aradia Redswan~