John A. Hill : Writing

The Southerners

The Southerners

A Chapter by John A. Hill

‘Here they come.’ Ed said nodding in the direction that we came from. I turned slowly grateful that I already had my sword drawn. Emma..
Crossing the Atlantic

Crossing the Atlantic

A Chapter by John A. Hill

‘Where are you going?’ I asked annoyed. Here standing at the edge of the Atlantic’s vast emptiness, it completely boggled the mi..


A Chapter by John A. Hill

Gloria hit me like a train; she wrapped her arms around and squeezed me with her little delicate arms. Still holding my sword I wrapped my arms aroun..
The Spoils

The Spoils

A Chapter by John A. Hill

’Where’s Pablo?’ I asked Butch. ’I don’t know. He’s around somewhere, he said something about making sure we go..
Time to Go

Time to Go

A Chapter by John A. Hill

As night fell I wandered the upper levels of the bare fortress. The place was so roomy, and the craftsmanship that went into its building was amazing..
The Calm Before

The Calm Before

A Chapter by John A. Hill

‘I think its bullshit; they’re just tired of chasing us so they’re trying to pull a fast one on us.’ ‘You would thin..
The Battle of the Tundra

The Battle of the Tundra

A Chapter by John A. Hill

I could feel the sun on my face; I closed my eyes and turned my face into the light. I’ve always loved the feeling of the sun on my face. It wa..
The Chase

The Chase

A Chapter by John A. Hill

‘Sebastian, you don’t think we’ll need help keeping him still do you?’ ‘We might want Butch in here.’ I looke..
The Queen

The Queen

A Chapter by John A. Hill

The pursuit came to an abrupt stop. There was a large outcropping in the side of a cliff that the few hundred vampires had set their defense at. Ther..
What Happened After

What Happened After

A Chapter by John A. Hill

The Queen Mother was dead, and her entire army was destroyed. The Queen’s army that hadn’t been burned already was brought into the caver..