I was suddenly on my feet, I was more awake at that moment then I could ever remember being in my entire life. I wasn’t dead, for some reason t..
I thought it was pretty silly that we should rent this house. The house was for
sale, but Gloria had convinced the seller to rent the house to us f..
‘Beg your pardon?’ I wasn’t sure I heard Tabitha right.
I could hear Gloria flying towards the office at a vampire pace. She slo..
I was rather surprised when I saw him. Roberto stood about five foot eight; he was slim and looked no older then Gloria. He was dressed like a ninete..
‘Conner, there’s someone in the house.’ Gloria said as I put the Excursion in park.
‘Gloria, how do you know that?’ ..
12 Names of the Ancients
Cline - 1st chair
-French territories.
Carver - 2nd chair
-Keeper of the Czech fortress
Hephaistion - 3r..
’I can’t believe you Conner,’ Gloria said with disgust, ’How could you have taken
Emma near a slaughter house, what were yo..
‘Conner this is getting ridiculous, we’ve been waiting for two days. How much longer to you think they’re going to keep us waiting?..
I stood looking out at the I-90 floating bridge. I-90 was the larger of the two floating bridges that went across lake Washington. There was a little..
We had been running for over eight hours. We were not in a dead sprint, but I had no idea how fast we were going. If I had to guess, we were running ..