It's Me, The Miracle : Writing

A failed attempt

A failed attempt

A Story by It's Me, The Miracle

A story posted in my blog
What makes you run so fast?

What makes you run so fast?

A Poem by It's Me, The Miracle

A poem posted on my blog...The link is


A Poem by It's Me, The Miracle

A dialogue to establish that cleansing of soul causes death of sin
The acquarium

The acquarium

A Story by It's Me, The Miracle

A story about a love between me and my kitty
The greatness of being a woman

The greatness of being a woman

A Story by It's Me, The Miracle

When I recalled the changes happened while being a woman
The river flows without any flaw

The river flows without any flaw

A Poem by It's Me, The Miracle

A few words that flew to my soul when I saw a river
I am afraid I have no friend

I am afraid I have no friend

A Poem by It's Me, The Miracle

The call of a sad soul for not having a good friend
What Do They Remember

What Do They Remember

A Poem by It's Me, The Miracle

When thoughts flow over the bed
The Tail-end

The Tail-end

A Poem by It's Me, The Miracle

Self realization of a complete woman !
It's really difficult to ignore you

It's really difficult to ignore you

A Poem by It's Me, The Miracle

There are several ignorance's we cannot voluntarily do.....We will never be able to ignore some things....A poem of those special ones