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j.l. luna : Writing

(m)End the World

(m)End the World

A Poem by j.l. luna

It's morning and sirens sound from outside my bedroom window, someone's laying dead in their apartment all alone, and I can't even begin to contemplat..


A Poem by j.l. luna

sometimes I pretend I don't carewhen I doI don't know why any of us do thiswhen really it's passionate, fiery anger passing through me at the speed of..


A Poem by j.l. luna

you don't have to love mebut do not strum a single notethat bears my nameyou don't have to love mebut do not ask to borrow my penor my time for that m..


A Poem by j.l. luna

Not a permanent title. This came from a journal entry I entitled "observations" but have yet to come up with an appropriate title.


A Poem by j.l. luna

everything I have to give isn't what people want,but how can that beI'm just trying to live without these possessionsthey're messing with mesix feet a..

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