JessyJacob : Writing



A Chapter by JessyJacob

The Hope for need comes when it becomes necessary!!. Personal Goal what we are going to achieve. For my son too. Yes Recycle, with right formula, with..
Snake and Ladder game!!

Snake and Ladder game!!

A Chapter by JessyJacob

The game really teaches children to develop the mental strength.
My first short story, with indepth meaning - 'Bhoomi - My Home My Family'

My first short story, with indepth meaning - 'Bhoo..

A Chapter by JessyJacob

Kind of poetry, the frist one.
A Beautiful lady for her Only Man!

A Beautiful lady for her Only Man!

A Chapter by JessyJacob

He Meditates on Her Who has a body of the colour of saffron, Who has the three graceful eyes, Who has a jeweled crown , Adorned by the..
A Praise to His lady

A Praise to His lady

A Chapter by JessyJacob

A Man praises her Woman of his Soul.
Personal Lesson

Personal Lesson

A Chapter by JessyJacob

As per meditation rules, disturbing thoughts are never encouraged, we just see them, never enjoy, let it go without attachment, ignore slowly, continu..
How vulgarity spreading in Family life!!!!!!!!!

How vulgarity spreading in Family life!!!!!!!!!

A Chapter by JessyJacob

I just saw a hindi serial describing this act of home wives and husbands, heard this kind of news in paper before, couldnt wait to write something abo..
Dating , Doting, which is Good??

Dating , Doting, which is Good??

A Chapter by JessyJacob

Out of my personal experience with roots and importance of precious Man of life.
Equal right for her partner!!!!

Equal right for her partner!!!!

A Chapter by JessyJacob

When we give equal importance to our life soul, then you feel he himself is you. Where you wont let him go away or give to somebody. This is what Lord..
Honesty is the best policy!!!!!!!!!!!

Honesty is the best policy!!!!!!!!!!!

A Chapter by JessyJacob

My experiments with Honesty!!!!