This is for children, and my son, who really want to grow with high values, which make them how to lead life on this earth, being with Evil in surroun..
Usha, the dawn, is often invoked, and is the subject of some of the most beautiful hymns that are to be found in the lyrical poetry of any ancient nat..
This topic is entirely directed towards women, present women are going crazy towards sex, as it has become ultimate ecstacy like God's ecstacy, being ..
Hole represents heart, soul, God, Good, family, Nation, Earth. Its not something like a*s hole, a hole which represent women's vagina, which needs a f..
A song describing shiva.
Different souls take different births, people doesnt even care about their next life.
I am trying to write some principles of Raj neethi, for our contemporary principles which will be guiding our life.
We are 4 siblings, Mummy and daddy. Its about how we have grown up with values given by my parents, and grand parents.
Views on current system of human, towards exploiting the Nature.
" I feel alien birth is started with new AVATAR, Inception of new love waves touchin..