JessyJacob : Writing

My baby

My baby

A Chapter by JessyJacob

I hav my son. But i dont him to be alone after i lezve this world. So i decided a sibling he otlr she for him. So that both will be there for each oth..
Humans - dogs

Humans - dogs

A Chapter by JessyJacob

Human life is for a reason. If you make use of your life to do something great then be humsn else if you are like enjoying sex just be dog. You nee..
Corrupt. And hard workers

Corrupt. And hard workers

A Chapter by JessyJacob

Corrupt are yhose who copies others and blames others that you copied. Hard workers are those whose talent can never be stolen by anyone. Corrup..
When i see daily labourers ....

When i see daily labourers ....

A Chapter by JessyJacob

They dont care their financial situations They dont know how they can raise kids But still they give rise to kids Because building family is d..
How the planet started?? Any clue.

How the planet started?? Any clue.

A Chapter by JessyJacob

Everyone curious Does it start with God in religious teachings Or with scientifuc of big bang.. In a spiritual way of both religious and s..
Beautiful thinfs i see to explain his beauty

Beautiful thinfs i see to explain his beauty

A Chapter by JessyJacob

How it looks whenwe put tirunamam to forehead Hos it looks when a man wraps around his waist the white lungi with a half sleeve shirt A wide smile..
People fill tummy but he fills his heart as he sees me

People fill tummy but he fills his heart as he see..

A Chapter by JessyJacob

And few fill their eyes a*s when they see few. People worried Bout tummy explaore money People seeking pleasure fill a*s People needing lo..
Chettaa, he sings open nude body... as i hug hiof his front .....

Chettaa, he sings open nude body... as i hug hiof ..

A Chapter by JessyJacob

His towel opens out as he sings o baby baby i fell in love with you.. I wrap him before his towel touches ground from front as he bends me to kiss my..
As i say day after...

As i say day after...

A Chapter by JessyJacob

He me me he In me he lies Making me dead numb As his currrent passes i sense his shock waves Making me alive a new birth i take in his love O..

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