jennifer little : Writing

Have you ever seen a eagle?

Have you ever seen a eagle?

A Poem by jennifer little

its a kids poem
Dog named Bingo!

Dog named Bingo!

A Poem by jennifer little

its just a kids poem
Good night!

Good night!

A Poem by jennifer little

well its just a random poem i wrote
Our love!

Our love!

A Poem by jennifer little

another one of my love poems


A Poem by jennifer little

its about the color blue
What time of year is it!

What time of year is it!

A Poem by jennifer little

halloween poem
Tweety bird!

Tweety bird!

A Poem by jennifer little

its just a fun cute poem
I love you!

I love you!

A Poem by jennifer little

another love poem
My dear love,

My dear love,

A Poem by jennifer little

it's just a love poem i wrote
A interesting Halloween !

A interesting Halloween !

A Story by jennifer little

Basically its two people who here a strange violin sound coming from their basement and they went to go investigate