jennifer little : Writing

Mario on fire!

Mario on fire!

A Poem by jennifer little

another poem from inspiration from a picture
Mario oh  so evil!

Mario oh so evil!

A Poem by jennifer little

its another one from a picture
Colorful shark!

Colorful shark!

A Poem by jennifer little

well just another poem from imagination through the picture
A great wolf!

A great wolf!

A Poem by jennifer little

another one of my poems where i just look at the picture and get inspired to write about it
Going through a deep forest!

Going through a deep forest!

A Poem by jennifer little

another poem writing by inspiration on trippy picture
Mario has a suit case!

Mario has a suit case!

A Poem by jennifer little

another one of them poems looking at the picture and seeing what i see and write my thoughts and turn it into a poem
A cat in space!

A cat in space!

A Poem by jennifer little

thought i would have some fun .. looking at trippy pictures and writing poems about them... so this is just about a evil cat who lives in space
Squittle dittle do!

Squittle dittle do!

A Poem by jennifer little

funny cute poem
If i could fly!

If i could fly!

A Poem by jennifer little

another kids poem
Oh how i wish i could fly!

Oh how i wish i could fly!

A Poem by jennifer little

just a cute poem