this worlds being controlled by the government,one day it'll all be a one world government,open your eyes,look and see,their controlling us,one day yo..
it's quarantine time again,lock your doors,stay inside,government control,can't go outside,if you do you shall be shot,it's all about control,control ..
how i truly feel and think
also im facing eviction due to my apartment gave me discrimination violations and well they won't sign another lease so j..
poem about my past relationships that were abusive .
as the warm moist air over the waters begin to rise,the rising air is replaced by cooler air,the process continues to grow large clouds and thundersto..
as the winds begin to whip past,the tornado swirl,through the dark clouds,their dervish has destroyed,everything within their paths,as the tornado all..
tiny milo,tiny milo,you are so hollow,your laugh reminds me of a gonzalo,you are on a sea food diet,you see food and you eat it,yet you are our favori..
fredalishouse,fredalishouse,you are oh so funny,your laugh reminds me of a sonny bunny,oh how your voice makes me oh so queasy,but yet you are so comp..
as the past memories from your abuse still lurk within,i don't let it stop me from moving on,scars and bruises can heal,but emotional and mental abuse..
emotional abuse,is still abuse,it hurts your soul,as the emotions set in,emotional abuse,still can damage your mind, heart and soul,the emotion begin ..