Goodevening.You are welcome to write if you wish.I am not much inspiration,but I will patiently assist.Amidst the striking of time,there are several l..
Trapped in a musty jail cell,strangled by the ropes of time,thereI lay for years, an emptyshell.It took just one hour, to finishmy servitude.There I w..
In daysof jaunting around on my tractor shaving the earth, round after round, I would flaunter in thoughts of kisses and romance,of golden days and ra..
In a minute's moment,Your glasses came off, You looked straight ahead, And there I was, Your 'sweet cuppin cakes.'
In your arms I feel at home. Home, is where I want to be.
A wild daisy doesn't require too much nurturing.Other than to be called sweet things once in a while.
The face I wear to look strong, Is fading by the minutes after you're gone.
Ardently I spoke witha rose, imploring that she bloomthe way I've seen her before.Thesomber roseinsisted she was.Though somewhere hiddenshe accepted t..
There's a chance that we may grow old together.But I'd say the odds are greater...that we'llwindup growing up together.
It's likely that through my solitudethere are perhaps reasons for the lack of jubilance.Dost I dare blame love?Folly settlement it may seem.But as the..