momentarysunshinebreaksacross my skinhighlightingfreckleswho have longedfor the sun's rays tostrokegolden fingertipswarmlyacrosstheir winter chilled s..
these, the best years,my golden applewarmed by the sunyearshave all been givenwillinglyto youthe onewhohas lost the tastefor the supple juices andtart..
your tongueflicksthe inner/outer cornertucked teasinglybetween your lipsmy own tongue(rapt, i am caught)unconsciously tracesthe mirror journeybefore m..
a huma sounda reverb needleset to maxa thousandvoraciousdragonspurringthroatilyin deepset gleeas tightly wound tattoo needlesscore the curls of my bra..
she pouredthe wordsdowninto the holeknowing, likemost wild things,to set them freeheld far more powerthan caging themamongstthesuburban confinesof her..
come closeroh feraltall hand is warmand gentleand i know of wild woodsunfettered by any King's boundswith flying feathers anddeepest hidey ho..