Elise Brooks is the daughter of the assistant manager of the Jonas Brothers (a band of brothers whom she used to know personally, before her mom's dea..
First impressions are always the hardest, but we all usually manage to get through in the end. I'd also say that re-meeting people is harder than meet..
It's awkward reminicing on memories because they're gone. Personally, I don't really like this chapter. It was previously used as a filler, and even t..
Oranges...! :) I honestly don't know what it was with me and fillers back then. I guess I didn't think this story would be as big of a deal as it is f..
The next chapter is when things start picking up, and the plot of the story is really started. Like I said before, I wrote the first number of chapter..
It turns out that someone else found the tape before Elise even got the chance to look for it. (Finally...! Now things are starting to pick up!)
This is the first chapter with Nick's POV (point of view)! Later on, we're also introduced to one of Ellie's school friends, Erin Kelly. (Go to the st..
Some more of Ellie's friends are introduced: Lauren Marshall and Alex Lombardi, her crush. (You can see their character descriptions and photos at nic..
This chapter presents all of Ellie's remaining school friends that haven't been in the story yet (other than Bridget Van Orden). I like this one, 'cau..
Long story short, Ellie gets very confused...about multiple things. Tee-hee! :P (Don't forget to check out this story's site: nickjstory.blogspot.com!..