I am laying in this supposed grave, this
resting place, just thinking about this and that, life, breath, happiness. My
death was easy, I didn&rs..
This image is the backdrop, the place of the piece:
A quick little 'horror' story, inspired by the graffiti image and monsanto's heinous activities.
(this was inspired after watching an interview of westboro baptist people talking continual trash about everything and anything. Is a consideration of..
I find myself turning
Looking for you always just over
That shoulder or this
So often entertain the illusion
There is a
white moth that clambers about
its head incessantly against my window
it hasn't
stopped for days
He can fly
This is a treatment, I am thinking of continuing it into a longer format, at some point i'll play with the characters as they develop. This would be s..
This is the way I pray (burn me alive inside)
All the soft stories don't help
all the hallmark card philosophy
lines of cheer and merrime..
This is a prose poem, or rather is a forced journal entry of the protagnoist. This is the first installment (there are five total, three written, two ..
When night falls in around me
I, alone sitting in the middle of the dark room
Legs crossed
Waiting for the emptiness
In the quiet