Riley Bray : Writing

She, The Raven Girl

She, The Raven Girl

A Book by Riley Bray

A story created from the poem I wrote.


A Chapter by Riley Bray

The first chapter to the first book written on this site.
Irregular Heartbeat

Irregular Heartbeat

A Poem by Riley Bray

True story
Shortest Horror Story Ever

Shortest Horror Story Ever

A Story by Riley Bray

Seriously, three lines. :P
The Time The Sky Fell

The Time The Sky Fell

A Poem by Riley Bray

Please read this, it would mean a lot to me.
It Was All For Nothing

It Was All For Nothing

A Poem by Riley Bray

Truly, it was.
They Think I'm Better

They Think I'm Better

A Poem by Riley Bray

People. Seeing only what they want to see.
Hello, Sanity

Hello, Sanity

A Poem by Riley Bray

And I swear that when I needed you least, Sanity, you came to me.
Let Me Be, And Let Me Fall.

Let Me Be, And Let Me Fall.

A Poem by Riley Bray

Even the modest fall, even the charismatic fail.
Raven Girl

Raven Girl

A Poem by Riley Bray

And she, the vulnerable raven girl, becomes a graveyard.