Desi : Writing

Crystal Clear

Crystal Clear

A Poem by Desi

Crystal Clear Like stone, still, and let admiration take; Not let love refrain, but the moment to linger & memory steep. Imper..
Our Same Stars and Moon

Our Same Stars and Moon

A Poem by Desi

Separation is not absolute.
In The Distance

In The Distance

A Poem by Desi

Sometimes what isn't right at the moment, doesn't mean it won't be in the future. Patience is a testament to strength.
Such Reminds Me of You

Such Reminds Me of You

A Poem by Desi

Sometimes the universe has a way of showing people who has the power. However, if your not physically together, subtle reminders will keep any two peo..
A Love Reflected

A Love Reflected

A Poem by Desi

Somewhat poetic, not much of a rhyming scheme. Sure we all can relate whether it is you and your love. Or looking at your parents or grandparents and ..