Jennifer Dalby

Jennifer Dalby


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Jacksonville, NC
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About Me

Hello World!
I'm here to express myself so look-out! lol. Seriously, MySpace isn't too accepting of poetry; it seems most people just want to hear ranting in the blogs.
A little about me: My enlistment in the military is finally over! 5 years of dedicated more! Back to being a college student. I'm currently studying holistic health. Someday I'll have my own practice and make $50,000+ a year. Sweet-sweet dream. Until then; it's early mornings, busy days and late nights.
I love to write and I seem to write the most when I'm happy; (Trying to change that to all the time, but I suppose my emotion hinders my artistic reach).
I'm interested in kindred spirits and constructive criticism so; lemme have it! :P


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hi. Do you plan on posting anything new?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks, Jennifer, for the review of THRIVE - I haven't been on here in a little while due to working entirely too much. I look forward to checking out some of your stuff, but I've been itching to write something, so I'll probably focus on that for a bit first. Thanks again!! :)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Jenn, don't believe everything that you hear. The halo that you see above my head is supported firmly by a large pair of horns (LoL).
Seriously, I consider my relationship with my children a saving grace to the riggors of life. Vinny, is one very special person. He balances the warrior and the poet very nicely. A talent that so few are capable of doing. When I was his age I worked for a top grade Security Company. It was tough doing what I had to do then - which I know is nothing compared to what he is doing now. Which is why he has earned so much respect from me.
Jenn, if you are a friend of his, I do not doubt that you are probably also a very nice person.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the kind words, I will try to stop by, and return the favor. Have a great day!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

So how was ur weekend. Are u still in JayVille

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Posted 17 Years Ago

zhey kido. good to see you. didnt know u wrote. when i get back on base ill check ur stuff out. talk to you soon.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Welcome to the Cafe, Jennifer.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

loking forward to reading your work. throw an eye over mine when you get the chance.