For the love of succubi.

For the love of succubi.


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Lake County - Kenosha County, IL
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I am the classic cliche. The little goth girl that sits in the shadows and never says a word. The missunderstood and lonley soul. The child who read books while the others played Barbie. That was me and this is me now. I currently have four passions; my dogs, my boyfriend, my books, and my unwritten stories. I'm currently working on a novel but it is a slow and tediuse process. I have never written a novel before so this is new to me. I have, however, written a number of short stories and poetry (but who hasn't?) none of which I've bothered to try pubishing yet as most were just a way for me to blow off steam and waist time. However, now that I am trying to write proffessionaly, I find that some constructive crittizism would be nice, as well as any creative ideas from other like minded creative individuales. In short, I'm trying to improve my skills so I can improve my novel and hopefuly be successful in publishing. Warrning: Spelling and grammar are my weaknessess, this i already know, so please patiant and be nice when correcting my spelling. What i'm really looking for is critizism on the actual story/characters/plot/etc. and not complantes about my horrible grammar. Thank you.

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