the rain falls as gentle as a babies touch. the sky dark as a depressing state. it's cold like a fridge. but a day so dark and and cold is so beautifu..
Your art intruiges me. Your eyes look so pure, your words sound so kind. Your hand moves so smoothly while you're drawing. Your Lines come togather li..
I saw you and i liked shyto scared you wouldn't like me.When i finally spoke to you i knew you we're a nice guy.When i found out you li..
I love you baby. If i was asked what love is i'd say Aaron Gillis cause i think your the true definition or atleast your where my heart lies where eve..
my heart is breaking to know i mite lose you forever. my tears fall like a storm day cause i want you forever. i feel your touch and miss it. i hear y..
your words were like i knife to the heart, not a sharp knife but a dull knife that inflicts more pain. i thought i would try to reach for something i ..
i hear your love when i hear your voice. i see your feelings when i see your eyes. i cant wait to see you again and maybe we'll last forever. maybe it..