To my writes,
I have been told that my writings, relate to the poetic styles of, John Donne, George Herbert, and many other early 17th-century English poets. By believing that enlightenment came thru, the thought comprehension received in the wonderings of their writings. They used in their writings, consciously intellectual language, elaborate metaphors and very descriptive imagery. That compared dissimilar things, making them more understandable in their nature of association. To show the difference between the meanings behind words and the metaphors following symbols figuratively named.
Just a rule of thought, writers please, if I review your writings, please return the endeavor or stop sending out your request to me, ratings are not that important, but the respect is. I do not ask for respect, I demand it and then I return it openly and willingly. That is why; I love humanity but hate people. So please do not under estimate my kindness, for a sign of weakness. You would be ill advised to do so.

I have the gift of dyslexia. Why is dyslexia a gift? Dyslexic people are visual, multi-dimensional thinkers, typically with average or above average intelligence. We are intuitive and highly creative, and excel at hands-on learning.
Because we think in pictures and often transpose or “jumble” written images, it is difficult to quickly and efficiently, transfer our thoughts onto paper or through a keyboard.
Officially, dyslexia is a problem that is neurological in origin. Nonetheless, we learn to read, write and study efficiently using methods geared to our unique learning style.
Some Well Known Dyslexics
Inventors/Engineers/Scientists: Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell and many others not mentioned.

"Religion can never reform mankind because religion is slavery."
Robert G. Ingersoll
1833 - 1899

Therefore, an individual and humanity, must remember that they are all living in and are part of a global village, on a planet with limited renewable resources. In which holds to a delicate eco-system and environment, that needs much stewardship balanced on an international scale. In order for this planet, an individual and humanities, ability to continue their existence in this experience called life. Within this universal reality principle of consciousness and its laws of thought. Otherwise, an individual and humanity will face the self-destruction of this existence and its experience. In which seems to be the outlook at this point in our time history.

Like the Gnostic movement, Uisiom, teaches an individual that salvation comes by learning esoteric and spiritual truths. Moreover, it is those truths, which free humanity from the inner belief in a materialistic world, as their only goal in life. In which is more often than not, perceived as being evil in its nature, yet is and can be, an acceptable way of life when shared in thought and action in a balanced creed.
Vanity and pride are different sentiments, although the words are more often than not, used synonymously, as if they were the same. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to an individual’s opinion of their selves, as where vanity communicates to what that individual would have others think of their self. So the question is what do you think of yourself?
So expand your awareness through the insights offered in the teachings of Uisiom, guiding and helping you to open this inner vision towards your very self-purpose of being. There are no physical limitations to this inner vision or yours. A vision that leads an individual to see the realities that surpass their physical and material world and its frustration along with the turbulence that seems to know no barriers between time and space and their existence.
You can experience this inner dimension within your own mind, not just as an inner supernatural force that connects you to this universe, but also thru a natural reservoir of inner directions through the teaching of Uisiom, that connect you with all of humanity as a whole, as well.
An open mind permits you to utilize the fullness of your being, to question those that question not and most importantly, to question yourself. This is an age of daring adventure but the greatest of all adventures is the exploration of the self and your purpose here and now in life as well as later in death, thru the reason of truth, found in the inner self that shows the one, as to the many. An open mind helps you to determine your future its purpose, function and the powers that you have as a human being in determining your existence and its experience.
You have the access to an unlimited source of knowledge, within yourself, so tap that source and share it by uniting with other conscious minded individuals. To change what has to be changed, to repair what needs to be repaired and to build what has to be built, all the time remembering that, unity is seen in open minds, not closed thoughts.
Expand your awareness through the insights offered in the teachings of Uisiom, guiding and helping you to open this inner vision towards your very self-purpose of being. There are no physical limitations to this inner vision or yours. A vision that leads an individual to see the realities that surpass their physical and material world and its frustration along with the turbulence that seems to know no barriers between time and space or their existence.
You can experience this inner dimension within your own mind, not just as an inner supernatural force that connects you to this universe, but also thru a natural reservoir of inner directions through the teaching of Uisiom, that connect you with all of humanity as a whole, as well.
An open mind permits you to utilize the fullness of your being, to question those that question not and most importantly, to question yourself. This is an age of daring adventure but the greatest of all adventures is the exploration of the self and your purpose here and now in life as well as later in death, thru the reason of truth, found in the inner self that shows the one, as to the many.
An open mind helps you to determine your future its purpose, function and the powers that you have as a human being in determining your existence and its experience. You have the access to an unlimited source of knowledge, within yourself, so tap that source and share it by uniting with other conscious minded individuals. To change what has to be changed, to repair what needs to be repaired and to build what has to be built, all the time remembering that, unity is seen in open minds, not closed thoughts.
Although many gods might exist and served by various individuals around the world, for the true believer in the studies of Crevo, there is but one true divinity of choices and its universal, in spirit and in nature, held within our triad of consciousness. It is the substance, which embraces our universal reality principle of consciousness and its laws of thought into a cohesiveness unit.
That is the unification of an individual’s triad of consciousness, collectively throughout humanity, leading all towards their true reality and purpose in life’s progression. Its name is Crevo.

The problems arising from writing down ones thoughts and explanations as to life’s existence and humanities experience, in addition to, this universal reality principle of consciousness and its laws of thought, called life.
In essence comes from misinterpretation, translation and the lack of clarity, as to what, is being, said and stated. As for the wording, well now that is a whole other subject matter all together.
Remember that the watchers are always watching and we must forever; make sure that we are watching the watchers, while they watch us.
Copyright, a form of intellectual property law protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture. Copyright does not protect facts, ideas, systems, or methods of operation, although it may protect the way these things are expressed. When is your work protected, your work is under copyright protection the moment it is created and fixed in a tangible form that it is perceptible either directly or with the aid of a machine or device. Do I have to register with your office to be protected, no. In general, registration is voluntary. Copyright exists from the moment the work is created. You will have to register, however, if you wish to bring a lawsuit for infringement."
http://www.dustball.com/cs/plagiarism.checker/ I use this also to check my work to see if anyone else has used it.

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