I've never catched your gaze,nor seen the eyes behind those hazy glasses.You have never mentioned love, or is commitment out of the question?If sexual..
I will carry you away, I will sail with you,and should these burdens get too heavy,I will cast them into,this vanishing thin air, the one we spoke of,..
In debt,and these thoughts run rampant,So much for resting within me,so much for love and patienceI am on my own.Still, eye me like a hawk,for it's da..
I want to curl up like a ball and roll myself out to somewhere
far, somewhere foreign. Where the sun never sets and the rain never
stops. I want the..
I miss this anger
She whispers ever so subtly in my ears.Making my short breaths her's, and her drawings, mine.She said "If tomorrow never comes, remember me as I remem..
Gone, like the wind.
If it is hell they speak of, I have roamed a journey too long.If it is a fairy tale love they are searching for,I have lost my golden compass.These da..
Make a wish says he.