A state of mind
I bet you know me!
I'm an Invisible Chronic Illness.
I am now velcroed to you for life.
Others around you can't see me or hear me, but YOUR ..
A look into my life.
This I wrote when I was having one of those days, it's a bit more expressive and expansive than the first one.
A "Letter" to a family of anyone who suffers from Fibromyalgia
A tribute to my Sister Stephanie Rae Reed, who was taken from us at the very young age of 34
Amethyst must figure out what she truly wants her dreams of being a world class athlete under false pretenses, or to fight for her true love and birth..
The night was unseasonably cold though I remember waking and reaching for blankets, I still lay shivering as though naked and un..
My heels clicked on the marble floor as I crossed the lobby headed towards the door. As usual there stood Josh, a tall imposing man, almost a pe..
We reached the lobby of the sports center, leaving the elevator, James pulled me a little closer, kissing passionately. Pulling only slightly aw..