Drinking ciderwondering what it would be like tobe inside hershaving my face with the kitchen scissorschicken gizzards, a favorite treat ofdick-lickin..
The Bathroom--------------------------- my last haven ---------------------------I have to write on this page andI can't move my legs inthe pirate..
ABANDON HOPEno more slow-motion runningon the beach in a bikiniWOULD YOU stop thinking of tits for about 130 secondswell, ok now that you're readyI ca..
I've got warts inweird placesI imagine they're thefacesof the people that cause me the most p a i nI cut themoffevery..
My beard is casually strokedI listen to her as ifshe were talking directly intomy ear.I lean forward and contacther eyes, and tomy surpriseshe leans f..
I've figured it out! You just need to listen to me, ok? Ok, ok, ok. Talk to me here, what are we doing, right? We're living, ok? So, because we're liv..
As she reached the top story of the office building
where her father had worked
She panted hard, over and over again.
A clap of thunder echoed ..
A collection of short poems.
Some lyrics
Some song lyrics