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About Mehehehe
Bouncy balls keep me alive!! I like cats i like coffee and i like cola and hell thats about it oh yeah and i like music xD ######WARNING####### my grammer is terrible and my spelling is errrmm understandible.... i guess O and i think punctuation is a waste of paper! *imagines acres of beautifull rainforest destroyed for the benefit of a semicolon*;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ooops i almost forgot HELLO ok more about me mmm.. i dont realy have an occupation OTHER THAN MY CONSTANT WAR AGAINST CHAINMAIL oh yeah and i try to play guitar (badly) okay if you have made it this far down the page then im sure you wont mind disregarding it .The most important thing to me is my friends ah what would i do without you guys.... anyway im trying to be a Musician and as i mentioned before i play guitar and i *sing too ive written several peices of music most of which are instrumental but i have written some lyrics too. <<< look this way too see them. * when i say sing this might be a slight exaggeration of my ability but i guess we will soon see. ^^^^ This is so awesome. Steve Vai G3 2003 Tripleneck guitar Solo ....Just got my hands on the new meat loaf album bat out of hell 3 the monster is loose its awesome!!!! PEOPLE i was so sad i missed him when he was in the uk would have given everything to see that show...... and hell yeah i do like Meat load live with it ok.. you cant denie he realy can sing. anyway look what I just bought (new album just released with never heard before tracks apparently) well i guess there manager has never heard of the internet but o well and yes i know hes dead makes him a legend xD VVVVVV ![]() Comments