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Posted 16 Years Ago

any time dear,send me as much as you like,i love to read ,and give you my honest judgment,you are so welcome,you know that,i love to promote and encourage good writers and friends

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Posted 16 Years Ago

hi dear,i went to your page there i will ask a friend add to read what you have written ,but also here i will read your writing,i swear they were one of the best..yes here there are dear a lot of harassment,but i dont much care since i have so many good friends like you too ,who are not interested in these trivialities..
what i am curious about is your book ,you see i am mostly story writer and i am a very good judge of stories ,in he past few days i read almost 3 books here ,they were good too..they send me lots of read request for books since little here will read some long chapters ,but i do cause i like it ,i always said dear ,literature is my life and i am a good judge of good literature,poetry which i learned here ,or stories and others,i am looking forward to read more of what you wrote ,you made me so interested,ha ha

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Posted 16 Years Ago

hi Jaime,where have you gone..so long i never see you here..we miss you a lot ..i really miss the great poems i once used to read.blues

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Posted 16 Years Ago

thanks for the review luv ;P and yes, applications are being accepted

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Posted 16 Years Ago

oh no dear ,you should not ,its your right ,its a shame nobody ever reviewed your works,i really wonder,thats why i look for myself through here all the while there are some great talent nobody ever touched,no its your right to know that,these are not compliments ,this a fact ,i feel i should say ,keep on the good work ,you have it in your self,lets have some more dreams,i like to dream,as my notice line say,ha ha ...close your eyes and dream with me,there are so little dreamers around ,ha ha

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Perfect Nothing,this is not a writing its a dream ,i read a dream,you took my mind off for a while ,you know i have been reading all my life,those few lines,were so nice ,as one friend once told me i have a touch with my inner self,i liked her words,i knew that ,and i wanted to say her words suits you ,i like the way you feel,the way you dream ,well done keep writing,it suits you well

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Posted 16 Years Ago

oh its good to be hungry all the time ,you know i really meant it ,your words are so tender and intoxicating,also the images ,its bad you dont write a lot,i look for dreamy poetry ,there is not much here ,,haha,you know i have no search through all the time,i liked that writing a lot ,as she sat there there was a gentle breeze that touched her skin and called for her and she went bare foot...etc,such lovely thought told in so tender words ,i really loved that,you are a dreamer ,i read a dream ,it was a writing ,i saw the dream and i loved that its wonderful,i like these writings a lot

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Posted 16 Years Ago

but why you are always hungry ,ha ha ,you do some great work here,i like it a lot

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Posted 16 Years Ago

hey dear ,i liked your work a lot ,its so nice dreamy and so tender words ,i just felt them,i read it some four times,so nice

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Phew! We're back! =)