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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I know its shocking, but I love to read and write in my spare time.

Well, what can I say about me other than that...For starters, I enjoy playing golf and tennis for my high school (Varsity for both!) I really like languages--I speak very well in Spanish (and obviously English) and now I'm taking French III. My goal is to be trilingual some day--hopefully :)

I'm a vegetarian. I consider myself more vegan than vegetarian because a lot of vegetarian foods shovel cheese and other dairy products into their food. It's not that I don't like dairy, but it's the fact that it's not good for you. For those of you shaking your head at me right now, open your mind and ponder this: why do we drink milk produced by COWS? Can you imagine a human mom's milk being bottled up and sold? The milk we drink and use in dairy products is meant to fatten the calf up a couple hundred pounds in a few short months, not to give us something to drink and supposedly help us build stronger bones. Why were most people lactose intolerant a few generations ago? Why are there higher osteoporosis rates among people who have dairy on a daily basis? The simple answer is: we are not meant to have tons of dairy.

Well I think that's enough about me...errr or rather my anger at what billions of dollars in advertising does for the dairy industry. One last thing though: drink soy milk, rice milk, goat milk, anything that's not real milk. Milk takes more calcium from you than it gives. If you don't believe anything I've said, look it up! A good site to go to is notmilk.com. And just for the record, no one in my family is a nutritionist--or my friends or my parent's friends for that matter.

So now about writing-- this is a writing site after all!

Add me as your friend! I always like to meet new people on here! This is my absolute favorite website!!!

I'm fine with getting read requests, but please don't bombard me. Please don't send me like 5 in one day. For some reason the little number popping out from the side, that follows me to practically every screen on this website, really bugs me. Like to the point of feeling overwhelmed :) It's very strange; I very rarely feel overwhelmed.

I might as well get this out now: I don't read poetry (please stick to short stories, chapters, and books) and I don't read anything gory. Thanks =)

At the moment I am writing a book. I'd love it if you check it out! Yeah, the main character has a few things in common with me, but that will probably change. I'm re-doing like everything I've written, I'm up to the point where I'm renaming people and majorly changing up the plot. It's pretty crazy, but hopefully it will be worth it! Here is an excerpt from my "book" (at the moment this is an older version, but it will most likely be included in my new version):

"The sun scarcely shone through the trees. In a matter of minutes it would be dark, leaving her little time to find safety. She ran as fast as her body permitted, for she was weary after long day of trekking through the forest. She stumbled over the uneven forest terrain, punctuated by giant roots protruding from the earth. Frantically, she searched for a hollowed out tree she could spend the night in. She didn’t understand; the previous nights it hadn’t been this difficult to find one. Sparing precious seconds, she glanced over her shoulder and saw that the sun was indiscernible now. A cold sweat began to trickle down the side of her face.

Then, she felt her intuition kick in; it unearthed a presence nearby. Incredibly relieved, she concentrated on locating the presence. Straining her eyes, she searched the darkness still running at full speed. She veered to the right blindly and received deep red marks from the sharp tree branches she’d past through. A howl echoed through the wilderness curdling her blood. The intensity of the pain was quickly shoved away by the realization of the even scarier situation at hand...."

I'd greatly appreciate it if you reviewed my book --if you find it in your heart to R & R I'll return the favor! :)

Was that long enough?! LOL Right now I'm wondering whether anyone actually read all of that.

***Sorry I've been gone for a couple months. The tennis season is just ending, so I should have more time to dedicate to read requests and stuff. I wasn't ignoring anyone!***


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Do it. I'm cheering you on. :D

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Posted 15 Years Ago

High school will be the best ride of your life. I'm sure you don't want to sleep on it. LOL

I'm kidding.

The AP classes will be fun so you don't have to worry about it much.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Gaaaah! Pardon my ignorance on IB. :(

I looked it up and now know what it is. My former alma matters(both from prep to high school) recognizes the IB programmes.

Anywho, I think you'd do well if you'd take the IB programme.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

That sounds interesting for high school. :))

I'm not really familiar with it, I'm sorry.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

I'm wondering what an IB is.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thanks. I was doing some friends favors and yeah, I ended up having that badge. LOL

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Posted 15 Years Ago

no problem :]

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Imagine all the twists and turns and not being able to keep up? hehe.

If it's necessary, don't omit it. :D

I know you will, you're a good writer after all.

Take your time, you're not working on a deadline.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

It's no biggie. :D

The layout was splendid, I tell. Just too much detail. LOL It's like me being lost in Gringgotts Wizarding Bank with no way out. :))

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thank you so much for your kind review.