Being the new girl at school isn't much fun especially when you move into a house where witch used to live, but if they're going to tease her about li..
Chapter 1Raven stared down at her sopping wet, worn out, duct taped shoe and sighed. This day just all around sucked. Yeah...I know...Grams hates that..
Raven plodded slowly behind Ms. Grumpky's clicking heels on the cobblestone pavement. Ahead of them stood in its Gothic glory, the demise of Raven's w..
After breakfast, Raven was escorted to a small office and given a sheet of paper with room numbers on it. According to this, it was her new class sche..
Raven stretched out on her cot watching out the large cathedral window she was lucky enough to be near. The crimson evening sky began to fill with twi..
In the next few weeks Raven settled in a comfortable routine.
The usual breakfast, school, chores then homework. Raven and Jax
would watch from time..
The next morning Raven and Jax were up with the chickens. Bright eyed and bushy tailed they bundled up all of the kittens necessities and the kitten h..
Raven absentmindedly rubbed her grey cloth
against the window pane and stared out at the gloomy, rainy day. She and
Jax had no luck in getting into ..
The girls seem to vibrate with nervous energy the entire next day. Their classes couldn't have gone any slower and meals were excruciatingly bland con..
Raven lay quietly in her bunk, watching out the window as the
morning's first rays of sun gently kissed the dewy grass. A smile played
at the edge o..