Jade (insanity) : Writing

Emo >:|

Emo >:|

A Poem by Jade (insanity)

I dont like lables...Emo is just one of the many that I have been given
July 8, 2009

July 8, 2009

A Poem by Jade (insanity)

Music blaring Mind racing She lets a tear Escape her eye Too much going on She can't handle it anymore She just wants to get away.
Beautiful Disaster

Beautiful Disaster

A Poem by Jade (insanity)

Like a storm on a summer night A Beautiful Disaster Like a fire on a winter day A Beautiful Disaster She is A storm on a summer night And A f..
June 23, 2009

June 23, 2009

A Poem by Jade (insanity)

How stupid is she? She just doesn't see She needs a break Just to take It all away But as she lay She thinks She acually may Be alone After a..
June 20, 2009

June 20, 2009

A Poem by Jade (insanity)

She listens to the Blaring music Not really hearing it She sighs deeply Just when she thought She finally got away The little peace She acuall..
June 9, 2009

June 9, 2009

A Poem by Jade (insanity)

She listens for the sound of Waves quietly crashing upon shore She faintly hears as Water and land clash Within the distance That seperates her ..
June 4, 2009

June 4, 2009

A Poem by Jade (insanity)

She listens contently To the soft rain Beating on the roof Completely bliss In her own little world The smell of the salty, ocean air Still fill..


A Poem by Jade (insanity)

She stares out the window Distant It seems She stares at the rain Clear drops Fall from the sky Telling a story Asitcries Finally She notices..


A Story by Jade (insanity)

Lala walked down the empty path. Glancing in every direction, she took cautious steps. A low chuckle sounds from the brush. Lala froze. It sounds ag..
May 21, 2009

May 21, 2009

A Poem by Jade (insanity)

Thoughts scramble in her head Too much to handle She sinks into darkness Scared and alone In this hell they call reality She wishes for and escap..