Jade Mayhew : Writing

You Took Away My Pain

You Took Away My Pain

A Poem by Jade Mayhew

Verse: One look into your eyes, And I can see Just where I'm meant to be. A vision of perfection, Just me and you Living out our happy ending. ..
The Jungle Called High School

The Jungle Called High School

A Poem by Jade Mayhew

She looks at her friends, smiling, chatting And closes her eyes, slipping into a reverie. She imagines that her high school is a jungle And a scan ..
Pinky Swear

Pinky Swear

A Poem by Jade Mayhew

For my best friend, Mrs. Joanne Gagne. ♥♥♥
Petals Of A Flower

Petals Of A Flower

A Poem by Jade Mayhew

Each petal represents an event along the line of my and David's relationship. This was written about a week before he broke up with me.
One Wish

One Wish

A Poem by Jade Mayhew

A broken heart won't kill you... Just kills your soul... And your emotions... But not you. You have to live through it all. Through the hurt of t..
In Love With You

In Love With You

A Poem by Jade Mayhew

The way you hold me when I'm cold, And suddenly I'm warm. The way you say you love me in Every way, shape and form. The way I look into your ey..
I Can Say

I Can Say

A Poem by Jade Mayhew

I can't say he's my brother; Our blood is not the same. I can't say he's my "party friend;" Our ways were more than tame. I can't say ..
Gone Forever

Gone Forever

A Poem by Jade Mayhew

Every night I close my eyes And pray that when I open them in the morning... I'm not hurting anymore. But I know it's just hopeless... Just wishfu..


A Poem by Jade Mayhew

I once heard that "forever" was just a word... I believe it now.


A Poem by Jade Mayhew

Dedicated To: Kevin Fordham... boy, did this one hurt.