jakmann086 : Writing

bloody sin

bloody sin

A Poem by jakmann086

i dont know why, but i've never cared. hating you all, my vision impaired going through life one day at a time wishing that i'd fall of the edge ..
veins colapsed

veins colapsed

A Poem by jakmann086

i miss today i miss the past i miss my veins because they've collapsed i hate my life i hate my friends this life sucks make it end i take t..
falling forever

falling forever

A Poem by jakmann086

i am falling falling forever i wunder to myself if you will ever catch me i am falling falling forever into the deepest part of the dark abyss ..
the begining of vengence

the begining of vengence

A Chapter by jakmann086

DARK DECEPTION SAGA RATORI'S VENGEANCE chapter one: the beginning of vengeance The smell of burning flesh and putrid smoke filled his nose ..


A Poem by jakmann086

you look at me with raging fire in your eyes when I touch you I feel its intensity when you kiss me I taste its passionate inferno when I embrace y..
One Wish

One Wish

A Poem by jakmann086

I had one wish, i wished for you. Never in my dreams would it come true. But here I stand, forever by your side. Everyday I think of you, wha..