On a cool, cloudy, Saturday morning he entered the station, an hour before departure
Walls that smelled of time and bleachers made of pine witness to..
I opened the door, bracing against the cold
My hat and gloves and coat shelterd me from an icy arctic wind
I reached to close the door behind and ca..
The officer gently set his files on the passenger seat
Then drove an hour north, for his encounter with a cheat
The canyon road, winding and narrow,..
You've seen a lot my friend, your weathered letters show
The autumn rain gently tapping on the windows, turning to winter flakes of snow
Of first co..
Resting on a two lane highway, not a destination, but a way station for weary travelers
Some adventurers, some dreamers, most just seeking comfort fr..
Down the hill and after sunset, on the beach I sit in sand
On my back the vacuum of space, its cold hands embrace me in its victory over warmth