having 2,000 facebook friends & getting a ton of comments on pictures shouldn't be the reason that you think you're beautiful. that just means a l..
i realize that being in love & feeling like this is one of the most amazing feelings that someone can ever feel & all, but far too often you s..
give him a chance. men don't wear makeup, so they have no way of making a 6 look like a 10. he may not be a 10, but he probably has a 20 personality &..
if you expect your man to shower you with lavish gifts, you shouldn't be dating a man. do the male population a favor & date your gucci bag if mat..
so, you think you're attractive? well, screen shotting conversations with perfectly nice men who are just trying to compliment you, ask you on a date,..
you want to be a man's equal but you still expect him to be the one to call first, to pick up every tab, & to pay for all of your indulgences. thi..
our values are so fucked these days. people tag themselves at "sunday church", post half naked pictures of the girl they just banged, let guys they ju..
Days always begin & end the same way. you get a clean slate every time dusk becomes dawn again, and at the end of the night, when everything has g..
he hadn't seen them for so long.he hadn't been able to laugh with them in a time that seemed too long.had he ever really been able to see them? spend ..
the air on that cold winter morning was bone chilling.it bit through his clothes and wrapped it's cold fingers around his skin with a ruthless grasp.t..